
The Photo:

Osprey in flight

US Fish and Wildlife Service 

Public Domain

Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge, MA. Credit: Matt Poole/USFWS

On Flickr

The Thought:

I don’t have a good photo of osprey, but we have two who return each year living down by the river on a nesting platform.

Yesterday while driving out to walk the dog along the granite outcropping by the river, an osprey swooped down in front of the car towards the river, soaring past me in its graceful flight.

Did you know the osprey will catch a fish in one out of four dives? When they start hunting, they’ll usually catch a fish within twelve minutes!

They are expert anglers!



above the river

soars the osprey, circling,

searching, wings outstretched, 

afloat on thermals

ready to dive for dinner—

a most successful raptor

Sheri Edwards  

05.25.24   145.365.24


The Story


Photo and Poem:


one of the greatest anglers: osprey

#smallpoems #clmooc  #poetry24 #poetry #osprey  #tanka 

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...

