Honor the Elm

A Little Note

The Photo and A Thought

A very old tree—an elm tree near North Dam Park.  It might be saved because it’s not under the “power lines.” All the other trees in the area will be chopped down because they are under the power lines. It’s strange though, because the power lines here are so much higher than the even the tallest trees. The trees will never reach the height of the power lines. But bureaucracy  prevails.

Years ago we saved some of the trees, and one of our friends stopped all the chopping for this very reason: the power lines are so high, the trees pose no danger and the trees add to the wild area, providing shade, shelter, holding in water.

One would think the shade and the water retention would be beneficial to preventing wildfires.

This one is old, has lived through extreme drought, and has provided shelter and shade for many creatures.

I took a picture in case one day I visit and it’s gone. I am thankful for all this tree has offered.


Honor the Elm

Nests in the branches;

Place of shelter from heat and 

rain: honor the elm.

Sheri Edwards  

05.14.24   135.365.24


The Story



an elm’s role in supporting wildlife

#smallpoems #clmooc  #poetry24 #poetry

#northdampark #elm #haiku 

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...


