If We Could...see trees

If We Could

If we could 

still our minds

slow the time

notice the lines

of dormant trees

one main branch

branches pairing off

reaching up in summer’s growth

towards the light of the blue sky

in winter now, the branches dark

against the steel blue of winter sky

of clouds and fog in layers hanging

reflected in the cold lake waters

outstretched arms up

thick to thin reach up

for buds in spring

their hope will bring

greens soon leafing

relieve our minds

we wait this time—

see this, we would.

Sheri Edwards  

12.19.23   351.365.23


The Story



 joy studying the silhouette of winter trees against the silvery sky

#smallpoems #clmooc  #poetry23 #wintertrees 

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...

