Paper Bag Poetry

Paper Bag Poetry
Retired, learning art;
sharing, connecting, writing 
with paper bag poems.

Sheri Edwards
052021 14036521

Poems from Memory

Side One:

One hour

Three blocks home

No hot school lunch

No paper bag lunch,

Just a fast walk two blocks

under tree-lined Avenue D

turn right one block to Avenue C and home,

unless I slipped through the side yard 

at Hart’s apartments,

turning right at the blue morning glories

on the neighbor’s fence 

along the grassy strip

behind the landlord’s garage

to the back door 

and the wooden table

in our kitchen, sitting

in the same chair always,

the one blocking the pantry door

 just in front of the gas stove where

Mom scooped a bowl of

Campbell’s chicken noodle soup

to add to the P B & J

on white bread

for an easy lunch and a break

from school.

Note: that table stands in

my kitchen today,

complete with the worn leg

bruised from pushing in my chair

in Mom’s kitchen

to enter the pantry.

~ Poem from Memory


Side Two:

And now I lunch

no white bread

1/2 whole wheat muffin

slice of turkey

Swiss cheese


horseradish mustard

responding to twitter poems

of connected friends

because I can:

I’m retired.

I can walk an hour anytime 

in our tree-lined neighborhood

two blocks to the park 

over a white footbridge

over Fiddle Creek listening to the songbirds.

I can read and write and draw and create,

learning more, relaxing more,

and letting go

of that which I cannot change.

And be grateful everyday that I can;

I can enjoy the rich conversations

and hugs of a loving partner

as we walk in the journey

of old,

old learners

still moving forward

to better the world as we can.


Inspired by my friend Terry Elliott

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...

