Shadow of a Bud

Daily Note
Every day, a photograph, a poem. Today we excitedly enjoyed the opening of the magnolia bud we have been watching throughout our daily spring walks around town.

“Oh!” We said. “It’s tinged in brown.”

Scott said, “It was probably the frost, since it was the first to bud.”

Shadow of the Bud

It was the first one
the first bud in a furry pussy willow

We watched it grow
We imagined its open wonder

We envisioned the magnolia
opened as a full gown of white satin

Every day we stopped to look;
We marveled at each push out into the sunshine

Slowly, day by day, it pushed
away its fuzzy blanket

It dared to grow ahead of all the others,
pushing out just above the sidewalk

In our daily walk we watched it bob
in the cold breeze when winter wandered back;

Still, it pushed out ahead,
eager, I suppose, to be first in spring’s warmth.

And then, it did: it spread its satin
fingers wide open in a welcome to the sun—

Its rounded petals smiled up
Glad to show its open beauty—

Glad to show its success to share
Glad though winter left its mark

a stain on its satin now tinged in brown—
Still, it proudly sang to the sun.

Sheri Edwards     040121      09136521     Poetry/Photograph

April is National Poetry Month, also known as #NaPoWriMo ! Here’s information about NaPoWriMo and some places where I’ve written each April here and here and here. It’s my favorite month of the year.

You can join in by writing poetry, sharing poetry, reading poetry. Just be aware of the wonder of words and the emotion and imagery they share.

My poem today is from a prompt from a site I found for this poetry month. It’s a wonderful program by Dr Sarah Donovan called Ethical ELA. She will provide a daily prompt to consider [or not] with the hashtag #verselove. The entire goal of the site and the poetry is to read and write to uplift each other in our daily ups and downs.

Today’s prompt theme is “Shadow.” I chose to write about the shadow within us– the things that hurt us yet we continue to move forward, sometimes pushing ourselves into something we may be unfamiliar with or something we love. The little magnolia bud kept going and growing despite the frost and still opens proudly for the trials and the success.

I hope you like the poem.

I hope you join in some way and share!

#napowrimo #verselove #shadow     

Sheri Edwards     040121      09136521     Poetry/Photography

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...

