On Earth, They Flourish

On Earth, They Flourish

A butterfly darts here and there

A bee crawls on the yarrow

A slug leaves his trail on the sidewalk

A bullfrog croaks in Fiddle Creek

Arrowleaf Balsamroot bloom all spring 

on the sunny slopes outside of town

Mule deer eat my flowers

A rabbit darts across our path into the rabbitbrush 

A coyote pauses, then disappears into the sagebrush

The deep swoosh of the breeze sings 

in the Ponderosa pine forest 

A chickadee chatters and squirrel answers

A chipmunk dashes across the fallen log

And above all, cumulous clouds bump together, darkening, growing into cumulonimbus 

thunder clouds ready to drench the land 

with nourishing rain

so on earth, they flourish.

Sheri Edwards  

04.18.24   109.365.24


Photo: Conconully, WA July, 2019

The Story



beauty of the earth and the potential threat to its biodiversity

#smallpoems #clmooc  #poetry24 #poetry #napowrimo #napowrimo24 #flourish #naturesbounty #climatechange 

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness...

