#napowrimo 2014 Poetry Ekphrasis

Four before you facing with
All eyes searching:
A connection
A yearning
A standing—
Here I am—
Like a poet
Like a reader
In words
An image
With all thoughts searching:
Facing; before you...


NaPoWriMo: Ekphrasis 3/31/14

By User:Husky and h3m3ls, Mischa de Muynck and Niels [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Reflect curiosity and wonder --Go boldly and scatter seeds of kindness... Flickr #edugood ... Friday Posts after August, 2011 are often a part of #TFotoFriPosts from June through August, 2011 are part of the #JJAProject Group on Flickr:#JJAProject

